Type on Point •

Deserving credit to these amazing humans.

Please refer to the Font Select pick-list in the TyPo Studio for names of the typeface designers.

Mary Lou

Niklas von Hertzen

Randy Burgess


Tom Moor

Justin Walker

Jason Post

Chris Coyier

Raad AlRawi

Grace Ua

Ryan Funduk

Tim Holman

Aaron Kong

Clever Techie

W3 School

David @ Castlecode


Anton Repponen

John Vlasach

Peter Hrynkow

Bozek Michal

Simone Vittori

Artem N

Ying Zhang

Felix Rilling


Sofia Villarreal

Sinikka Li

Jude Fernando

Krzysztof Rusnarczyk

Mike Semko

If you feel that you were left off of this list unfairly or your information needs updated please contact us. We did our best to link back to everyone who contributed, but things fall through the cracks from time to time.